Down | Mean of down in English Dictionary
- from a higher to a lower place or position
- The land slopes down to the sea.
- Please pull down the window shade. = Please pull the window shade down.
- I'll come down [=downstairs] in a minute.
- She called down to her friends in the street below.
- They set/put the cake down on the table.
- Lay down your book for a minute.
- We watched the sun go down.
- in a low position or place
- Keep your head down.
- We keep our wine collection down in the basement.
- What's going on down there?
- to or toward the ground or floor
- He fell down and hurt his knee.
- Climb down out of that tree!
- He knocked him down with one punch.
- Don't look down!
- Brightly colored flags hang down from the ceiling.
- to a lying or sitting position
- Please, sit down.
- Lie down and go to sleep.
- to or toward the south
- They went down to Florida for two weeks.
- We drove down from New York.
- The weather's much warmer down south.
- to or toward a place that is thought of as below or away from another place
- She drove down to our house.
- Come on down and see us sometime.
- to or toward a place that is away from the speaker
- He is heading down to the store.
- Would you mind moving (further) down so that we can sit here, too?
- on a piece of paper
- Write down everything he says.
- Take down this number.
- Did you get that down?
- at a lower or lesser important position in a list or series
- Supporting public education seems to be far down [=low] on the government's agenda.
- Cleaning my house ranks pretty far down on my list. [=there are many other things I'd rather do]
- to a lower or lesser degree, level, or rate
- Slow down.
- Could you turn the volume down, please?
- We should give them some time to cool down.
- We should wait for the winds to calm down before we set sail.
- The company's stock went down last week.
- The team was 10 points down [=it had 10 fewer points than the other team] in the third quarter.
- The price of gasoline is starting to go down again.
- to a smaller or weaker state
- We have scaled down our plans for the new building.
- Some people want to use the budget surplus to pay down the national debt. [=to make payments that will reduce the a national debt]
- They have cut/whittled down the number of candidates.
- He finally got his report down to three pages.
- to a state of failure or defeat
- The school board voted the budget down 55 to 15. [=it voted not to pass the budget]
- in a way that causes someone or something to be less able to move
- Remember to tie down the load.
- They had to strap the patient down to his bed.
- in a thorough or complete way
- The car needs to be washed down.
- Hose the dog down outside.
- to the place where a person or thing is or came from
- They use dogs to hunt down escaped prisoners.
- He chased the ball down and threw it to third base.
- Every attempt to pin down the cause of the disease has proved unsuccessful.
- I haven't been able to track down that quotation.
- from a past time
- This vase has been handed down in our family for several generations.
- Most of these stories were passed down by word of mouth.
- as a first payment
- We put 10 percent down [=we made a 10 percent down payment] on the house.
- Buy a car now with no money down. [=without making a down payment]
- in the stomach
- The baby is having trouble keeping food down.
- away from a school or university
- He was sent down for misconduct and never earned his degree.
- in a way that includes even (the smallest or least important part)
- Our work must be accurate down to the last detail.
- They knew everything about him down to the cologne he wore.
- to the last person or thing that can be used
- It looks like it's down to you and me. [=we are the last two people that are available]
- I'm down to my last dollar. [=I have only one dollar left]
- in a low place or position
- The window shades were down.
- The candy is down on the bottom shelf.
- There was a pile of dirty clothes down on the floor.
- going downward
- She took the down escalator.
- lower in price or value
- These changes should help keep prices down.
- Stocks are down again today.
- less than an earlier or normal level
- Attendance has been down lately.
- New construction is down sharply this month.
- having a lower level of activity
- Our business is having a down year.
- a down market/economy
- having fewer points than an opponent
- His team was down by 10 points [=trailed by 10 points] in the third quarter.
- We're down two runs.
- not operating properly
- We can't get any work done while the network/system is down.
- sad or unhappy
- You look pretty down. What's the matter?
- She was feeling down.
- finished or completed
- I've got eight down and only two more to go. [=I've finished eight and have two more to do]
- learned in a complete way
- Do you all have your lines down? [=memorized]
- We have our routine down pat. [=we have mastered our routine; we can do it easily]
- having something written or recorded in an official way
- You are down for two tickets. [=you are signed up to get two tickets]
- having a bad opinion of someone or something
- My coach has been down on me lately.
- affected by (an illness)
- She has been down with the flu for a week.
- from a higher to a lower part of (something)
- Sweat dripped down her neck.
- The children ran down the hill.
- She fell down the stairs.
- He climbed down the ladder.
- He spilled mustard down the front of his shirt.
- Her hair hung loosely down her back.
- along the course or path of (something)
- Go down the road/street and turn left.
- We grew up down the block from each other.
- There's a bridge three miles down the river. [=three miles in the same direction that the water is going in the river]
- ships sailing down the coast [=along the coast usually toward the south]
- The bathroom is halfway down the hall on the right.
- His pitches were right down the middle of the plate.
- I usually part my hair down the center.
- He is still pacing up and down [=back and forth in] the room.
- Noun
- a period or state of failure, trouble, etc.
- The company has had more downs than ups this year.
- We have had our ups and downs.
- one of a series of four chances that a team has to move the ball forward 10 yards in order to keep the ball and begin a new series
- He caught the ball on second/third down.
- a series of downs
- small and very soft feathers
- goose down
- a pillow filled with down
- a down pillow/comforter/jacket
- small soft hairs
- The young man had just a light trace of down on his cheeks.
- the down of a peach
- Verb
- to cause (something) to fall to the ground
- He downed [=shot down] four enemy planes.
- The storm downed power lines throughout the city.
- a downed bird/plane
- a large number of downed power lines
- to eat or drink (something) especially quickly
- She quickly downed [=took, swallowed] the pills I gave her.
- They were downing beers and watching the game on TV.
- to cause (a football) to be out of play
- The quarterback downed the ball to stop the clock.