Harsh | Mean of harsh in English Dictionary
- unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience
- The climate there is very harsh.
- We've had an extremely harsh winter.
- a harsh environment
- It's time for her to face the harsh realities of this situation.
- The accident serves as a harsh reminder of the importance of wearing a seat belt.
- having an unpleasant or harmful effect because of great strength or force
- harsh colors
- a harsh [=shrill] whistle/voice
- The lighting in the room was very harsh.
- harsh chemicals/detergents
- severe or cruel
- harsh discipline
- a harsh disciplinarian
- The state has established harsh penalties for drug dealers.
- She has been criticized for her harsh treatment of her students.
- He was sentenced to a harsh prison term.
- very critical
- He had harsh words for his opponent.
- harsh language
- She has faced some extremely harsh criticism.
- He has been one of her harshest critics.