Intimate | Mean of intimate in English Dictionary


  • having a very close relationship
    1. an intimate acquaintance
    2. They remained intimate friends throughout their lives.
    3. We have an intimate friendship with our neighbors. = We are on intimate terms with our neighbors. [=we are very close friends with our neighbors]
  • very personal or private
    1. intimate thoughts/feelings
    2. intimate secrets
    3. sharing an intimate moment
    4. an intimate conversation
    5. (chiefly US) a store that sells intimate apparel [=women's underwear and clothes for sleeping]
  • involving sex or sexual relations
    1. They are in an intimate and committed relationship.
    2. He denies that they were ever intimate. = He denies that he was ever intimate with her. [=that he ever had sexual relations with her]
  • private and pleasant in a way that allows people to feel relaxed and comfortable
    1. The room is small and intimate.
    2. an intimate nightclub
  • very closely related or connected
    1. There is an intimate connection/relationship between diet and health.
  • very complete
    1. She has an intimate [=very detailed] knowledge of the company.
    2. The story is now known in intimate detail.
    3. an intimate understanding of the process
  • Noun
  • a very close and trusted friend
    1. His coworkers knew him as “Robert,” but his intimates called him “Robbie.”
  • Verb
  • to say or suggest (something) in an indirect way
    1. He intimated (to us) that we should plan to arrive early.
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