Seller | Mean of seller in English Dictionary


  • Noun
  • a person or business that sells something
    1. a ticket seller
    2. The seller said that the car was in excellent condition.
    3. We're the number one seller of appliances in the country.
  • a product that sells in a particular way or amount
    1. Her new CD is a hot seller. [=a lot of people are buying her new CD]
    2. That book is our top/biggest seller.

Những từ liên quan với SELLER

storekeeper, retailer, shopkeeper, agent, peddler, auctioneer, businessperson
How To 60s Chia sẻ Thủ Thuật Máy Tính, Kinh nghiệm, mẹo vặt hay trong cuộc sống hàng ngày

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