Shore | Mean of shore in English Dictionary
- Noun
- the land along the edge of an area of water (such as an ocean, lake, etc.)
- a rocky/sandy shore [=coast]
- Houses were built on the shores of the lake.
- The boat hugged the shore. [=stayed close to the shore]
- We swam to shore.
- The boat was about a mile from shore.
- The boat headed for shore.
- a country that touches a sea or ocean
- My family came to these shores [=came to this country] 100 years ago.
- The plant was brought to our shores from Europe.
- We arrived on American/British shores.
- Verb
- to support (something) or keep (something) from falling by placing something under or against it
- They shored up [=propped up] the roof/wall.
- to support or help (something)
- The tax cuts are supposed to shore up the economy.
- The new player should shore up the team's defense.