Basin | Mean of basin in English Dictionary


  • Noun
  • a kitchen sink
  • a large bowl that is used for mixing, cooking, or serving food
  • the amount contained in a basin
    1. a basin of cold water
  • the area of land around a large river and the small rivers that flow into it
    1. the drainage basin of a river
    2. the Amazon Basin
  • a large area of the earth's surface that is lower than the area around it
    1. the Great Basin of the western U.S.
  • an area of water where people keep their ships and boats when they are not sailing them
    1. a yacht basin

Những từ liên quan với BASIN

pot, pan, sinkhole, gulf, concavity, hollow, dip, ewer, hole, depression, pool, lagoon, bowl, sink, sag
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