Close | Mean of close in English Dictionary


  • Verb
  • to move (a door, window, etc.) so that things cannot pass through an opening
    1. Please close the door.
    2. We had better close the windows; it looks like it's going to rain.
    3. I forgot to close the gate.
    4. She was having trouble closing the drawer.
    5. Close the lid on the box tightly.
    6. The door opened and closed so quietly that I didn't notice he had come in the room.
    7. The box's lid closed with a bang.
  • to cover the opening of (something)
    1. Remember to close the box of cereal when you're done.
  • to bring together the parts or edges of (something open)
    1. Please close your books and put them under your desks.
    2. Close your mouth.
    3. Close your eyes and go to sleep.
    4. I closed my fists and got ready to fight.
    5. close an umbrella
    6. This suitcase just won't close!
    7. Her eyes closed, and she drifted off to sleep.
    8. My throat closed and I felt like I couldn't breathe.
  • to bring together the edges of (a wound) so that it can heal
    1. It took 10 stitches to close the wound on his head.
    2. The cut eventually closed [=closed up, healed over] on its own.
  • to not allow (a road, park, etc.) to be used for a period of time
    1. The city closed [=closed off] the beach during the storm.
    2. They closed the bridge to traffic. [=they did not allow cars to use the bridge]
    3. The park closes every evening at dusk.
  • to stop the services or activities of (a business, school, etc.) for a period of time
    1. They closed the school today because of the storm.
    2. We'll be closing the theater while we make the necessary repairs.
    3. The store closes for lunch from 1 to 2 p.m.
    4. The airport closed for two hours yesterday due to icy conditions.
    5. The bank closes at noon on Saturdays.
    6. What time does the library close?
  • to stop the services or activities of (a business, school, etc.) permanently
    1. They closed [=closed down, shut down] the school/factory/office last year.
    2. The restaurant has closed for lack of business.
    3. The play closed [=it stopped being performed] after 112 performances.
  • to end (something)
    1. The minister closed [=concluded] the services with a short prayer.
    2. She closed the meeting by thanking everyone for their help.
    3. Investigators closed the case after concluding that his death was an accident.
    4. The services closed [=concluded] with a short prayer.
    5. I'd like to close by thanking you all for your help.
  • to stop keeping money in (an account at a bank)
    1. I closed [=closed out] my savings account and opened up a new one at another bank.
  • to end the use of (a file, document, or program) on a computer
    1. Remember to save the file before closing it.
  • to formally accept (an agreement)
    1. They just closed a deal to take ownership of a new restaurant.
    2. the custom of closing a deal by shaking hands
  • to reach a specified price or level at the end of the day
    1. The stock opened at $19 a share and closed at $22.
    2. Stocks opened weak but closed strong.
  • to reduce the amount of distance or difference between two things, people, or groups
    1. The challenger has closed [=narrowed] the champion's lead to within two points.
    2. closing the distance to the lead runner
    3. These changes will help close the gap between the richest and the poorest countries.
    4. She has closed to within two points of the champion.
  • to permanently stop operating
    1. The factory closed down in the 1980s.
  • to stop broadcasting from a radio or television station for the day
    1. We're closing down for the night: tune in again tomorrow morning!
  • to permanently stop the services or activities of (a business, school, etc.)
    1. They closed down [=closed, shut down] the school due to financial problems.
  • to come or move nearer or closer
    1. The storm is closing in [=approaching] fast.
    2. Enemy troops are closing in all around us!
    3. The lions closed in for the kill.
    4. I felt that the world was closing in around me.
    5. The air became colder as night/darkness closed in. [=as darkness fell, as the night became dark]
    6. The fire was closing in on their neighborhood.
    7. The camera slowly closed in on the actor's face.
    8. Police were closing in on the two men.
    9. Researchers are closing in on [=they are close to finding] a cure for the disease.
    10. She's closing in on 40. [=she is almost 40 years old]
  • to not allow (something) to be used for a period of time
    1. The city closed off the beach to tourists.
    2. closing off a road with barriers
    3. Half of the museum was closed off while they made the changes.
    4. He closes himself off to new experiences. [=he does not allow himself to have new experiences]
  • to formally and legally agree to and complete (an important financial arrangement, such as the purchase of a house)
    1. We're going to close on our house next Friday.
    2. They closed on the deal.
  • to quickly sell (all of a particular type of product in a store) at a lower price
    1. We're closing out our entire stock of children's clothing! Come and pick up some bargains!
  • to stop keeping money in (a bank account)
    1. She withdrew all her money and closed out [=closed] her account.
  • to end (something) in a specified way
    1. The team closed out the series with a 2–1 win over New York.
    2. She closed out her remarkable career with a final grand performance.
  • to close and lock all the doors of a building usually for a short period of time
    1. Businesses closed up [=closed] early so employees could attend the parade.
    2. We've closed up for the day. Please come back tomorrow.
  • to close and lock all the doors of (a house, store, etc.)
    1. They closed up the house and left town.
    2. Rather than closing up shop entirely, the company laid off half of its workers.
    3. The restaurant has already closed up shop for the winter.
  • to move closer together
    1. The troops closed up and prepared to begin the attack.
  • to become completely healed
    1. The cut eventually closed up [=closed] on its own.
  • to become quiet
    1. She closes up when people ask her about her parents.
  • to bring (people or things) closer together
    1. Close up the spaces between the lines.
  • near in space
    1. We're not there yet, but we're getting close.
    2. We stood close together to stay warm.
    3. New York is much closer to Chicago than it is to Los Angeles.
    4. Don't get too close to the fire.
    5. Stay close to me, children!
    6. Let's try to sit close to the front.
    7. The trees were planted in close proximity to [=near] the building.
    8. The gun is made for shooting at close range. [=from a short distance]
    9. We were able to observe their behavior at close quarters. [=from a short distance]
    10. Over 200 people lived in close quarters [=very close together] on the ship.
  • near in time
    1. Christmas is getting closer and will soon be here.
    2. She had her two children very close together. [=her second child was born soon after her first]
    3. You shouldn't snack so close to dinnertime.
    4. It's getting close to midnight.
    5. My birthday is close to Thanksgiving.
  • very similar
    1. Their daughters are close in age.
    2. close in size and shape
    3. a sound close to the sound of breaking glass
    4. He bears a close resemblance to his father. [=he looks very much like his father]
  • almost correct
    1. “I'd guess that you're 29 years old.” “You're close. I'm 30.”
    2. It's not exactly right, but it's close.
    3. You're way off! Not even close! [=you are completely wrong]
    4. “Was I right?” “Close, but no cigar.”
    5. We were close but no cigar.
  • almost doing something
    1. She was close to crying.
    2. The bridge came dangerously close to collapsing. [=the bridge almost collapsed]
  • connected in a direct way
    1. Sources close to the president say that he is willing to make a deal.
    2. She stays in close touch/contact with her friends back home.
    3. Authorities claim he has close ties to terrorist organizations.
    4. This idea lies close to the heart of Democracy. [=it has an important connection to Democracy]
    5. Animal rights is a cause that is close to my heart. [=I care very much about animal rights]
  • very careful, complete, or precise
    1. It's important to pay close attention to the details.
    2. Take a closer look at the evidence.
    3. On closer examination, it appeared that something was missing.
    4. We worked under the close supervision of a trained professional.
    5. a close study of the Greek classics
    6. a close reading of a text
    7. Keep (a) close watch on the baby. = Keep a close eye on the baby. [=watch the baby closely]
  • very short or near to the skin
    1. a close haircut/shave
  • fitting tightly
    1. I think there's enough room in the car for all of us, but it'll be a close [=tight] fit.
  • warm in an uncomfortable way
    1. It's very close in here: let's open a window.
  • at or to a short distance or time away
    1. Don't drive so close to the car in front of you.
    2. He told me to stay/keep close as we walked through the crowd.
    3. Come close, everyone.
    4. Look close [=closely] and tell me what you see.
    5. She drew me close (to her) and held me.
    6. The time for a decision is drawing closer.
    7. My teammate came in third, and I finished close behind.
    8. They sat close together at the dinner table.
  • near in time or place
    1. I always keep a few tissues close at hand [=near me] just in case.
    2. The time for us to leave was close at hand.
  • at a short distance away
    1. Don't worry: if anything happens I'll be (standing) close by (you).
    2. They're building a school close by.
  • almost or nearly
    1. We walked for close on [=close to] five miles.
  • from a short distance
    1. She's even more beautiful when seen close to. [=close up]
  • to almost do something
    1. We didn't win, but we came close.
    2. The band came very close to breaking up.
    3. We came close to winning the championship this season.
  • to be similar to something or as good as expected
    1. She said they taste just like real hot dogs, but they don't even come close (to the real thing).
  • Noun
  • the end of an activity or a period of time
    1. Students vote for their favorite teacher at the close of each year.
    2. At the close of trading, the stock market was two percent lower than yesterday.
    3. As the year drew to a close, the debate over the new project grew more intense.
    4. The war finally appears to be coming to a close.
    5. She brought the show to a close with a performance of her most famous song.
  • the area and buildings that are around a cathedral
    1. a cathedral close
  • a road that is closed at one end
    1. Turn into Bloomhill Close.

Những từ liên quan với CLOSE

convenient, end, do, dear, solid, agree, related, shutter, conclude, meet, halt, familiar, devoted, shut, conclusion
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