Fit | Mean of fit in English Dictionary
- proper or acceptable
- a movie fit [=suitable] for the whole family
- This is not a fit subject for discussion with children.
- a subject not fit for discussion
- a subject not fit to be discussed
- suitable for a specified purpose
- This water is not fit for drinking.
- The building is no longer fit for human habitation.
- This water is not fit to drink.
- The building is no longer fit for people to live in.
- physically healthy and strong
- physically fit
- He felt overmatched against fitter [=healthier], stronger players.
- Patients are encouraged to get/keep fit.
- Are you fit enough to walk there?
- sexually attractive
- having the necessary skills
- I just don't think he's fit [=qualified] for this job.
- made ready
- get the ship fit [=prepared] for sea
- in good physical condition
- I feel (as) fit as a fiddle this morning.
- good enough even for a king
- a meal (that is) fit for a king
- very angry or upset
- Dad was fit to be tied when my sister came home late last night.
- very much
- laugh/shout fit to burst
- in an impressive way that attracts attention
- He was dressed fit to kill.
- Verb
- to be the right size and shape for (someone or something)
- The suit fits him perfectly.
- I hope this key fits the lock.
- The two pieces fit each other perfectly.
- These shoes fit perfectly.
- This calculator will fit nicely/neatly in your shirt pocket.
- pants that fit tightly/loosely = tight-fitting/loose-fitting pants
- The two pieces fit together perfectly.
- That suit fits him like a glove.
- The school recognizes that a one size fits all approach won't work for these children. [=these children need to be taught in a way that considers the needs and abilities of each child]
- to go into or through a particular space
- All these groceries won't fit in the trunk of my car. = These groceries won't all fit in the trunk of my car.
- How many people can fit in a phone booth?
- The box was too large to fit through the door.
- to cause (something) to go into or through a particular space
- I can't fit all these groceries into the trunk of my car.
- We weren't able to fit the box through the door.
- to measure (someone) in order to choose clothes that are the right size and shape for that person
- I'm being fitted [=measured] for a new suit tomorrow.
- to change the shape or form of (a piece of clothing) for a particular person
- fitting the jacket to the customer
- to find time to meet with (someone) or do (something)
- I'll try to fit you into my schedule.
- The doctor can fit you in this afternoon. [=the doctor can meet with you this afternoon]
- She's got a lot of meetings to fit in this morning.
- to belong in a particular situation, place, or group
- It's a good school, but I feel like I just don't fit here.
- I was looking for a group that I could fit in with.
- No matter how hard she tried, she just didn't fit in.
- He fit right in at school.
- That chair fits in well with the rest of the office.
- to be suitable or appropriate for (someone or something)
- The nickname fits [=suits] him very well.
- The punishment should fit the crime.
- to make (someone or something) suitable or appropriate for or to something
- Her previous experience fitted [=qualified] her for the job.
- Let us fit the punishment to the crime.
- to be in agreement with (something or someone)
- Their story doesn't fit the facts.
- He fits [=matches] the description perfectly. = The description fits him perfectly.
- to supply equipment for (something)
- a lab fitted with the latest equipment
- The camera can be fitted with many different lenses.
- fit out an expedition
- an old ocean liner fitted up as a hospital ship
- Noun
- the way something fits
- The fit of this shirt is a bit tight.
- a loose/snug fit
- It's a tight fit but I think we can get the box through the door.
- a comfortable fit
- That dress is a good fit for you. [=that dress fits you well; it is the right size and shape for your body]
- an uncontrolled expression of strong emotion
- He threw a fit [=he became very angry and upset] when they accused him of cheating.
- She has/throws a fit [=tantrum] when she doesn't get what she wants.
- a sudden occurrence of some activity, emotion, etc.
- a fit of anger
- a fit of coughing = a coughing fit
- He apologized profusely in a fit of remorse.
- The joke sent the audience into fits of laughter. [=it made the people in the audience laugh a lot]
- an abnormal state in which you become unconscious and your body moves in an uncontrolled and violent way
- an epileptic fit [=(more commonly) seizure]
- by stopping and starting again
- Their courtship was gradual, proceeding by fits and starts.
- Progress came only in fits and starts.
- laughing very much
- The audience was in fits. [=in stitches]