Thrust | Mean of thrust in English Dictionary


  • Verb
  • to push (someone or something) with force
    1. He thrust his hands into his pockets.
    2. He thrust his fist into the air.
    3. She thrust him aside [=pushed him to the side] and walked past him.
    4. He thrust his way through the crowd. [=he went through the crowd by pushing people aside]
    5. Her best-selling book suddenly thrust her into the spotlight.
    6. He thrust all caution aside.
    7. She's unable to thrust aside [=to forget] those memories.
  • to cause (something sharp) to enter or go through something else by pushing
    1. The doctor thrust the needle into the patient's arm.
  • to make a sudden, strong, forward movement at someone or something with a weapon
    1. He thrust at me with his sword.
  • to force (someone) to have or accept (something)
    1. Fame was thrust upon her. [=she became famous even though she did not try or want to be famous]
  • Noun
  • a forward or upward push
    1. With one last thrust he broke through the barrier.
    2. a thrust of the hip = a hip thrust
    3. a single thrust of his sword
  • the main point or meaning of something
    1. I agreed with the (main) thrust of the argument/theory/article.
  • the main concern or purpose of something
    1. The major thrust of their research [=the main reason they are doing their research] will be to find practical applications.
  • the force produced by an engine that causes an aircraft, rocket, etc., to move forward
    1. forward thrust

Những từ liên quan với THRUST

stab, punch, dig, interject, heave, poke, smack, nudge, plunge, gist, impetus, lob, momentum, stick, shove
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