Conscious | Mean of conscious in English Dictionary


  • awake and able to understand what is happening around you
    1. Is the patient conscious yet?
    2. He was fully conscious when we found him.
  • aware of something (such as a fact or feeling)
    1. She was very conscious of how late it was.
    2. We are conscious of the risks involved in the procedure.
    3. He is conscious of being a role model for children.
    4. I was conscious of the fact that I had to do well on the test to pass the course.
    5. He was conscious that they were watching him closely.
  • known or felt by yourself
    1. conscious guilt
    2. the capacity for conscious thought
  • caring about something specified
    1. He is environmentally conscious. [=he thinks and cares about the health of the environment]
    2. a cost-conscious shopper [=a shopper who is concerned about the price of things]
  • done after thinking about facts and reasons carefully
    1. I made a conscious [=deliberate] effort/attempt to be more compassionate.
    2. a conscious decision
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