Crook | Mean of crook in English Dictionary


  • Noun
  • a dishonest person
    1. He thinks politicians are just a bunch of crooks.
  • a criminal
    1. a small-time crook
  • the place where part of the body (such as an arm, leg, or finger) bends
    1. the crook of his arm
  • a curved or hooked part of something
    1. The squirrel sat in the crook of the tree.
    2. the crook of the cane
  • a long stick with one end curved into a hook that is used by a shepherd
  • Verb
  • to bend (your finger, neck, or arm)
    1. He crooked his finger at us and led us to the table.

Những từ liên quan với CROOK

shark, robber, knave, racketeer, slither, hook, rogue, curve, meander, flex, shyster, scoundrel, fork
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