Strength | Mean of strength in English Dictionary


  • Noun
  • the quality or state of being physically strong
    1. I don't have enough strength [=I'm not strong enough] to lift the box by myself.
    2. I was impressed by his strength.
    3. She's doing exercises to build up the strength in her legs.
    4. Don't work too hard. You need to conserve/save your strength for tomorrow.
    5. Pull-ups increase upper body strength.
    6. muscular strength
    7. Working on a farm requires a lot of physical strength.
    8. He didn't mean to knock you down; he just doesn't know his own strength. [=doesn't realize how strong he really is]
    9. She hit the ball with all her strength. [=she hit the ball as hard as she could]
    10. She goes to the gym for strength training. [=activities that make muscles stronger]
  • the ability to resist being moved or broken by a force
    1. the strength and durability of the material
    2. bone strength
  • the quality that allows someone to deal with problems in a determined and effective way
    1. I pray that I'll have the strength to do what I have to do.
    2. moral strength
    3. His determination shows real strength of character.
    4. Her inner strength is an inspiration to us all.
  • a quality or feature that makes someone or something effective or useful
    1. Her greatest strength is her keen attention to details.
    2. We talked about the strengths and weaknesses [=the good parts and bad parts] of the movie.
  • the power or influence of a group, organization, etc.
    1. The antiwar movement is gathering/gaining strength. [=is becoming stronger and more effective]
    2. The country has great military/economic strength.
    3. There is strength in numbers. [=a group of people has more influence or power than one person]
    4. We are negotiating from a position of strength. [=from a strong position; from a position that gives us an advantage]
    5. The strike was intended as a show of strength by the union's leaders.
  • the number of people in a group, army, team, etc.
    1. The battle cost the army about a quarter of its strength.
    2. Now that the quarterback has recovered from his injury, this week the team will be functioning at full strength again. [=the team will have all its players again]
    3. We're only at half strength today. [=only half the usual number of people are here today]
    4. (chiefly Brit) The team is under/below strength today. [=the team does not have all of its players today]
    5. The enemies attacked in strength. [=in great numbers]
  • the value of a country's money when it is compared to money from other countries
    1. the strength of the U.S. dollar
  • the financial condition of something
    1. measuring the strength of the economy/market
  • to become better or more successful as time passes
    1. Her career as a lawyer continues to go from strength to strength.
  • because of the influence of (something)
    1. I went and saw the film on the strength of his recommendation.

Những từ liên quan với STRENGTH

health, depth, energy, power, spirit, clout, asset, stability, concentration, fortitude
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