Tone | Mean of tone in English Dictionary


  • Noun
  • the quality of a person's voice
    1. She spoke in a sharp tone. [=she spoke sharply]
    2. He replied in a friendly tone.
    3. They spoke in hushed/conspiratorial tones.
    4. Don't use that rude tone of voice with me.
  • the quality of a sound produced by a musical instrument or singing voice
    1. the low tones of an organ
  • a quality, feeling, or attitude expressed by the words that someone uses in speaking or writing
    1. The speech had religious tones to it.
    2. The author's tone shows her attitude toward the subject.
    3. The professor's condescending tone irritated some students.
  • the general quality of a place, situation, etc.
    1. the city's upbeat tone
    2. The seriousness of his opening statement set the tone for/of the meeting. [=his opening statement established that the meeting would be serious]
  • a shade of color
    1. a bright, dark, or light tone of blue
    2. the soft tones of the painting
  • a small amount of a color
    1. gray with a slightly bluish tone [=tint]
  • strength and firmness of the muscles or skin
    1. These exercises help build muscle tone.
  • the highness or lowness of a spoken syllable
    1. a rising/falling tone
  • a sound made as a signal by a machine (such as a telephone or answering machine)
    1. Please leave a message after the tone.
    2. (Brit) I keep getting the engaged tone. [=(US) busy signal; the sound which indicates that the telephone line is already being used]
  • a sound of a particular pitch and vibration
    1. the different tones [=notes] of a musical scale
  • Verb
  • to give strength and firmness to (something, such as muscles or skin)
    1. These exercises are a good way to tone (up) your stomach muscles.
  • to make (something) less forceful, offensive, or harsh
    1. People will be more likely to listen to you if you tone down your language a little.
  • to make (something) less bright or colorful
    1. She toned down her wardrobe.
  • to match the color of (something)
    1. That tie tones in well with your suit.
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